Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Uncovering Secrets

First impressions are meant to be everything! They showcase the experience as much more than it really is, they hide the truth. Tours of colleges for instance eagerly want you to join their student body; it seems odd that the student orientation leaders would want you to fall into the same trap as themselves…. They must be brainwashed!!

               But in all honesty, if you knew the truth 100% of the time than you wouldn’t want to be part of the process. If you knew the crime rates were just as high as the worst part of your current city you wouldn’t feel safe. If you knew there are numerous overdose attempts, you wouldn’t want to hang around these ‘delinquents’. If you knew the equipment they provide you with rarely works, you wouldn’t want to rely on it to accomplish your work. If you knew that the professors don’t actually care about each student just because it is a smaller class size, you wouldn’t prefer these classes. If you knew half of what you should, you wouldn’t have wanted to grow up. If you knew what the world held, you wouldn’t have wanted to be born and would have voted for abortion too, at least then you would be in some eternal state of innocence and peace. Because here in the outside world, we lie. We tell tall tales to make us seem more impressive. We destroy the little bit of good we have left in our lives, and we take for granted the pure things that bring us happiness. In this world; we aren’t living to our whole being. Until you are, and you can see through the apparition. 

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