Wednesday, February 1, 2017


Millions of people invest in the institution of marriage every year. Of course, the standards for marriage have changed with time, at one point in time you married for money and power, now we try to marry for ‘love’, yet there are still a few who marry strictly because they feel it is best for their economic or social status. These people often contemplate divorce or murder to get out of a marriage, one way is more legal than another but the other method allows one to maintain the status they gained through the event. When marriage spawns from a mutual caring behavior for one another, the relationship usually lasts decades before they die and even then, once older, they refuse to move on; sometimes even dying from a broken heart. This sort of exclusive love can occur between others beside just husband and wife though as seen with the still recent death of popular mother and daughter duo. Twins also can face this outcome as they spend much of their lives with a soulmate whom embodies their sibling.
               You only get a lifetime event once every lifetime…. obviously, don’t waste time on statuses when you could be living happy and healthy.

               An opportunity like this may not arise for a couple more lifetimes, it is incredibly difficult to remember everything from past lives after all; you won’t have any clue who your soulmate is.

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