Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Presentation is Key

It was true in the times of warriors and scavengers, it was true in the renaissance and the time of kings and queens. Even today, in the time of technological advances and idle behavior; presentation is highly regarded. Over the course of time, the representation of a presentation has changed. At one point the dirtier you were, the healthier and more daredevil-esk you were to the community. With the revolution of time it become more important to be clean yet plump. Currently, there are higher or lower standards dependent on your global location. Some regions prefer thicker bodies with varying heights for both genders, others want extremely well-toned bodies with either rather tall or short heights, still a few others maintain that desire to appear wealthy through weight.
               The presentation and appearance of your physical being is not the only thing which matters and helps categorize you though. You are also judged on the appearance of your home and how it represents your heritage and personality, you are criticized on your clothing choices, how you prepare entrees for feasts. Anything and everything imaginable is constantly sending out a story of who you are to the people around you.

               What are you trying to tell the world?

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