When you go out into the world, you are greeted with advertisements. Even just existing in the world and playing on electronics, you are greeted with advertisements. This is because the biggest way to get something known is through advertisements. Companies advertise new products, and people advertise new businesses. A media kit is just another way of you being able to advertise yourself. Your media kit contains everything anyone needs to know about your brand or your persona in every capacity.
A media kit contains what services you can provide. It includes any color schemes or themes that are used to represent your brand. It encompasses everything you may have done up to this point. It also shows how you can be reached such as through social media or through email.
You start to find yourself early on in your branding/streaming career but you may end up revamping or redesigning and there fore you may end up changing your media kit. You should always consider keeping an up-to-date version though in case you want to reach out to other artists for commissions or reach out to brands for possible endorsements. Your media kit can be essential in these situations.
I hadn't made a media kit up until now but it was not hard and honestly, I thought it was pretty fun and looks really nice!
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