Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Content Creator Challenge Day 18: How Streaming has Impacted Your Life

While streaming is no longer the biggest part of my world, when I first started streaming, I did try and make it my everything (although, let's be honest, I tend to do that with a lot of the things I get into). Streaming has affected me greatly in that it has allowed me to remain sociable, to make a lot of new friends, it has allowed me to realize who some of my fake friends were, to learn more about myself such as likes or dislikes, and the biggest thing I feel that streaming has done for me, it has provided me with a way to relax and destress. 

Having an outlet for yourself is very important in life. If you keep everything bottled up then you are likely to have a very unhealthy mental state and you can go crazy. You will stop taking care of yourself in regards to normal functionality and will start to see a decline in more aspects of your life. All that is just to say that having an outlet like how I have streaming is important. While gaming in itself can be an outlet and you can find relaxation in just getting to let your mind relax, I find that being able to share my crazy with others and see what others have to say about how I do things is nicer because I don't feel so alone all the time.

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