Tuesday, March 12, 2024

What I Eat

What I choose to eat should be the business of nobody but myself. 

If I choose to eat chicken four nights out of the week, that is my business. If I choose to eat steak once a week to get my red meat in, that is my business. If I choose to eat fish more than once a week, that is my business. If I decide to have a bigger serving than normal because I haven't eaten all day, that is my choice.

It does not negatively impact you or your life. It is not causing you financial strain because you are not the one who paid for it. It is not causing you dietary restrictions or discomfort because you are not the one eating it.

Why do others decide to make every little decision you make, their concern? Just because I sent you a Snapchat of my dinner plate does not mean that you need to start up a debate on what I am eating. You want to make a quick comment, sure. You don't think it looks very appetizing, fine. You would have paired it with something else, thank you for the suggestion.

But please, mind your own business and do not try to criticize everything I do that is different from what you would do. We do not need to be the same person or have the same taste or eat the same things. Nobody does. Being different is good. It is how we ended up with so many different cultures.

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