Friday, March 8, 2024

International Women's Day

Too often, people seem to forget that they are capable of doing just about anything that they set their minds to. Sometimes they need a little push to realize that they are capable of achieving great things in life. No matter your hand you were dealt.

Somebody can be born into the poorest neighborhood with tons of violence and illness surrounding them. They can have parents who are never home because once they finish work they go to the bar and then they are back up again for work the next day before the break of dawn. What they do with their life is still up to them. They can choose to follow in the footsteps they observe or they can choose to learn from these examples and they can push to do better. Sure it may take a bit more time and effort than somebody who was raised on the brighter side of life and has everything handed to them on a silver platter who has the same aspirations in life, but that does not mean it can not be achieved. In the same sense, somebody who was brought up to know financial security and wealth and have ample opportunities to better themselves and the world could end up losing it all and may end up in a slump of sorts.

Regardless of your gender; you are smart, you are strong, you are independent, you are willful, and you can achieve great things.

Happy International Women's Day!

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