Friday, March 15, 2024

Listen to the Music

The vast array of music that we have come to have in the world is absolutely astonishing, especially when you think about how most songs follow the same notes and same chords, and yet we still end up with so many different songs that fit so many different styles and so many different tastes. Not to mention the cultural array of music diversity and how it can be used to express your heritage, your nationality, or your religion.

The type of music you listen to says a lot about you. Not necessarily in a bad way but not always in a good way either. You should never be ashamed of the type of music you listen to. If you find that you prefer a specific style, be it country, pop, rock, indie, rap. etc.; that is totally fine and that is totally you. Not a fan of curse words and would rather avoid albums that have parental advisory stickers? Good for you, but do not diss on somebody who does not care either way. People don't always go out of their way to find songs that have curse words but they also don't worry about switching the radio station because a cuss was said. Now if somebody is listening to music that talks about mass murder and they are enthusiastically singing along and you seem to think that maybe they are taking it to heart, sure, maybe be a little concerned for them; but also, maybe they are just going through something and need to be in the feels. 

There are plenty of people who use music to express their feelings. That is how we end up with all the country songs about drinking, Taylor Swift and her break-up songs, or Pharrell Williams and his upbeat songs that make you want to smile and go for a drive.

So go ahead and listen to your music, blast that sound track, and sing from the heart driving down the highway, do not let others control what you choose to listen to, and do not tell others what they can't listen to. Let people exist and express themselves. (As long as it is in a safe manner of course.)

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