Saturday, October 9, 2021

Movie Review: Little Evil (2017)


Netflix presents little evil (2017)

Original Release Synopsis: 

"A newly married man starts to believe that his 5-year-old stepson is the spawn of Satan."

Opening Weekend Sales: N/A

Box Office Sales: N/A

Personal Review: 

This movie, is weird, to say the least. It honestly starts out extremely hard to follow and it jumps rather frequently through a lot of topics that mostly apply to the rest of the film. I definitely was hoping for more gore and a bit more attention to details such as how the individuals actually die, but the film definitely provided entertainment in that you were laughing at how stupid it was. The unexpected twist of love winning out over the demon spawn was definitely just that, unexpected. I was kind of hoping the world was actually going to end. But I guess that is why it was marked as a comedy before it was considered a horror film. Even though the stepfather did get buried alive within the first five minutes.

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