Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Living a Double Life

 Honestly, it's more like a triple or quadruple life. 

There are so many various personas that engulf me depending on the situation and the people I am around.

Some may compare this to being an empath but that is nowhere near what I am doing.

I'm just trying to adapt to my surroundings in hopes of surviving.

For one group of people, I am very much that stand-off, don't mess with me person that will chew you out for saying something stupid. For a different group, I am that soft-spoken individual who goes with the flow and works only to please. For a third group, I'm the person who chugs along and helps pull everyone with me to get where we need to be. For another, I am that warrior that they look up to and would do anything to help because I squish the bugs for them.

When I am at home, living with my parents and siblings yet, I am just an empty vessel that exists only to fill a void and provide aid. Provide financial support. Provide extra hands. Provide nourishment. Provide an outlet. Provide an excuse. I very much aim to please when I am home. I work to provide them with everything they need.

I would like to think that I provide some of those things to my friends as well but when I am online with my friends, I am somebody else. I am someone who is vulnerable. I am someone seeking love and attention. I am someone trying to make a place for myself in the world.

When I am at work, I'm that scary boss lady that nobody wants to mess with because if you cross me, I will take action. I fight for what I feel is right. I work to better the company by any means. I am secure in my standings. I take my orders but I also dish them out with just as much conviction and follow through.

Are any of these really me though? Who will I reveal myself to be when I finally have a chance to breathe and just do what my heart says when my heart says to do it rather than what my brain says to do when time allows.

Who are you in your various phases of life?

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