Wednesday, April 1, 2015

The Utopian Society of Amicable

Welcome to the phenomenal land of Amicable! In our spectacular world we do not have money. We trade things we have for things we need. Our government is really a council of people who meet at the church and discuss new ideas such as farming techniques. We live as one, and in unity, we will survive.
As our town of Amicable grows older we live and learn from our mistakes. Someone might grow the same crop in the same spot over and over, decreasing the amount of nutrients in the soil to help the plants grow. Learning from our mistakes we would learn that we need to alternate the plants we put in certain spots. Our government tries as hard as it can to make the right decisions and make the memories and experiences of anger and sorrow along with war and death disappear. The less you think about depressing thoughts the less likely you are to cause these things. Our community of Amicable has some special rules. We ask that everyone give each other an equal chance and to not be a nuisance, we also decreed that you may use IOU’s on important things like food and shelter but if you use more than ten IOU’s you will be placed in what we call a service bubble and will have to build new houses for the expanding families of the community. Children who do not know any better will be put into a room and asked to write about what they did wrong. Our town of Amicable grows stronger in many ways everyday.

The phenomenal land of Amicable is very pleasant and vibrant. We welcome new neighbors with open hands and open hearts. While our town grows so does our intelligence. We live as one and respect each other. We follow our motto and do unto others as we would have them do unto us. That is what the land of Amicable is like, the land of peacefulness, forgiveness, and respect! (Caution: the land of Amicable does not yet exist but maybe one day there will be a world without war and misery)

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