Sunday, April 12, 2015


Going off of yesterday's tirade; waiting till the last minute isn't a great way to get where you want to be; unless you're just that good.
We were allotted an extra month to our already month long time to write and essay and I still managed to wait until tonight to complete it. Yesterday I read the book from cover to cover and during church I wrote out a three page report. I managed to finish with time to write this post but the stress having to get the thing done in such short time imposed on me was dreadful.
So trying to keep this as simple as possible so I may still receive enough sleep to accomplish what I need to tomorrow; don't leave anything until the very end, time yourself and get it done step by step.
Update: Still managing to hand the report in on time I received a 83% on it; mostly because I supported my too lengthy of a quote in too short of an explanation.

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