Monday, May 20, 2024

Use 'Em or Lose 'Em

One of the best and worst things about being an adult in the workforce? Paid days off that you have to use before a certain time or you lose them. It is nice because they are in fact paid days off that you can use to get other chores done or use to take mental health days. But it is not so nice that if you do not use them they will just disappear. You are essentially missing out on free money if you do not use them. Unlike when you have vacation time and sick time that rolls over into the next year or gets paid out at the end of a term.

You should always make sure that you are getting the most out of your job. This applies to whatever training opportunities they provide you with but also any allotted time or allotted extra finances they are willing to disperse to you. You deserve everything they are willing to provide you with, especially when you are a dedicated worker and try your best every day. And make sure you don't just work yourself dry outside of work either, take them mental health days for yourself when you can. We all know we need them, we just forget to do it every now and again.

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