Do yourself a favor. Don't go out to eat again this week. Put that money aside and save it for a rainy day. A day when you could really use that twenty bucks to get some cheap food or get that bus ticket to your shift.
Wednesday, May 22, 2024
Saving for the Unexpected
There is always a possibility for something to go differently. Your heater may need more oil. Your AC may need to be replaced. Your car may get a flat and need new tires. You may lose hours at your job and not get as much in your next paycheck. That is why it is best that you have savings. I have been told by many people that they wish they could live a more frivolous life but that they can't because they can barely afford their bills as it is. Hopefully, regardless of this, they are planning for the unexpected. It is advised that you have enough saved up to sustain yourself for at least 3 months. The hope is that 3 months is enough time for you to come to terms with whatever happened, and get yourself back on your feet. Get yourself a savings again. Get yourself the necessities without struggling or begging.
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