Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Take Your Time

Sometimes it seems as though people forget that life is not a race.

You do not need to go barreling down the highway at Mach Speed 1. You do not need to get all the groceries in with a single trip. You do not need to take all your courses in a single semester. You do not need to buy all of the furniture for your house in a single trip. You do not need to read all 6 books in a series in a single sitting.

What you need to do is take time to breathe and take in your surroundings. You need to take time to enjoy life. You need to take time to acknowledge that you are only capable of so much and that running yourself thin will end up killing you earlier than you may have anticipated.

You will get everything that you need to done by the time you need it. Don't rush through it. You may end up messing something up if you just throw it together in an instant.

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