Monday, April 15, 2024

How Much Notice Is Enough Notice

 Are you the type of person who needs to plan things out weeks in advance or are you more of a go with the flow who does things on a whim at the last minute?

I, personally, am a planner. Now this does not mean that I can not just get up and do things last minute, I do that quite often with my games and movies. But when it comes to planning out vacations or videos or costumes; I very much need time to plan these things out; preferably enough time that I can do some planning followed by procrastinating and then finish off with some true time dedication the last week beforehand. I'm sure to some that may sound like I really do not need to be planning things out that far in advance but let's be honest, it's a mentality thing. You need time to mentally prepare for what is to come.

Tests for instance, you wouldn't want to be surprised with a pop quiz or be notified of a big exam that you will be taking that afternoon once you walk in the door. You want to have time to come to terms with your possible failure. You want time to be able to study. Time to panic. You need the mental preparation that comes with actual studying.

So how much notice is enough notice?

Will you pick up and travel the world the second you win the lottery or will you need to plan out which countries to visit and which destinations you want to see while you are there?

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