Sunday, July 14, 2024

Moments in Time

There are a lot of moments in time that people are never going to forget on a Global scale. 

1835 - US President Jackson Attempted Assassination

1864 - US President Lincoln Attempted Assassination

1865 - US President Lincoln's Assassination

1865 - last of the American Slaves Freed

1881 - US President Garfield Shot

1901 - US President McKinley Shot

1912 - US President Roosevelt Attempted Assassination

1914-1918 - World War I

1930 - Great Depression 

1936 - First Public TV station

1939-1945 - World War II

1945 - Atomic Bombs hit Hiroshima

1945 - Jewish Holocaust

1948 - Assassination of Gandhi

1948 - Human Rights Standardized

1955 - US Civil Rights Movement

1957 - First Satellite Launch

1960 - Martin Luther Assassination

1961 - First Person Launched into Space

1963 - US President Kennedy Assassination

1969 - First Moon Landing

1972 - Watergate

1980 - HIV/AIDs Emergence

1981 - US President Reagan Attempted Assassination

1989 - Fall of the Berlin Wall

1996 - First Successful Cloning of a Mammal

1997 - Princess Diana Dies

1998 - Google Launches

1999/2000 - Y2K Panic

2001 - World Trade Center Attack

2004 - Facebook Launches and Social Media Skyrockets in Popularity

2005 - Hurricane Katrina

2011 - Prince William and Kate Middleton Marriage

2011 - Osama bin Laden Killed

2012 - Hurricane Sandy

2013 - Nelson Mandela Dies

2014 - Malaysia Airline Flight Goes Missing

2014 - Robin Williams Death

2015 - Same-Sex Marriage

2018 - Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Marriage

2019 - First Photo of Black Hole

2020 - Global Covid Pandemic

2022 - Queen Elizabeth Dies

and now...

2024 - attempted assassination of former US President Trump

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