Thursday, February 15, 2024

Making Work Fun

Sometimes it can be a really hard task to keep work and play separate. But realistically, why should they be separated? Because you can not stay focused and accomplish your tasks? But who likes just droning on and completing thirty mundane tasks back to back? You need to be able to find a good mix of the two.

"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" - James Howell

 Finding small games you can do your work too is definitely one way of making your work fun. Maybe you have to clean up a bunch of rubbish and play basketball by throwing the stuff into the trash cans. Or maybe you have to help somebody create duplicate crafts/copies of paperwork. Try making a race out of it. Do you need to type up a synopsis of a short story you read? Why not try to use words with only a minimum number of letters, or try to think of synonyms you wouldn't normally use in your dialect. Studying to learn something new for a big test? Flashcards are always good but why not try to find crosswords or word searches on the topic and ease into the topics rather than reading straight from the textbook.

For some people, being able to make light of daunting tasks can help them to achieve more. It may seem like you are being lazy or slacking off but for you and your own mental sanity, it may be best to break up the tasks every now and then.

Personally, I like to take a hour or so and hyper-fixate on my work (usually while listening to music) and then take a fifteen minute breather and play games on my phone or watch a couple TikTok videos.

Whatever your method may be, you do what you need to in order to stay focused and get the most done out of your work day I suppose.

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