Thursday, January 11, 2024

Fear Consumes

Acrophobia is the fear of heights. 

Basophobia is the fear of falling.

Claustrophobia is the fear of small or crowded places.

Trypanophobia is the fear of needles.

Autophobia is the fear of being alone or abandoned.

Thanatophobia is the fear of death or the process of dying.

 There are some fears that can consume you from the inside out. They incapacitate you and prevent you from moving forward with your tasks and your life. 

Different fears exist in the world that you may not have even thought were possible because you yourself are not concerned with them. Dogs, for instance, my sister used to be deadly afraid of dogs. That fear is referred to as cynophobia. There are a decent amount of people who would probably tell you they are afraid of a specific type of dog such as pit bulls, that is a societal thing though. Then there are those such as my sister who were and are sometimes so scared of just the existence of dogs and where they originated from or experiences they have had with dogs that they get clammy and scared for life at the site of any dog. Even chihuahuas.

When you come in direct contact with that which you fear, it is a very intense feeling. Your breathing gets faster. Your palms get clammy. Your throat gets dry. Your nervous system starts to internally shake followed by your body shivering as if met with an extreme cold. Adrenaline starts to build up in your hormonal system and your body kicks into fight or flight mode. Or you just tense up and freeze altogether.

People will tell you that you just need to push through it. Face your fears head-on and overcome them. But if you are frozen in place about to be attacked, there is no facing them head-on. You know your body and you know your hard limits. Now does this mean to never face your fears? Absolutely not. Some things you will just have to keep trying at.  You can always aim to be a better version of yourself. Face that fear of public speaking (glossophobia) and start with smaller groups until you can take on larger crowds. Try slowly decreasing the amount of light you leave on when going to bed until you don't even notice your fear of the dark (nyctophobia).

There are tons of things you can do to face your fears, adrenaline junkies face fears every day because they love the rush it gives them. Just do it at your own pace in your time and on your own terms.

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