Friday, June 12, 2015

Wanting to Talk but Not having the Guts

Ever get that feeling, when there is something you just have to tell someone? Sometimes it may be telling a guy that you like them. Maybe you want to tell a friend how much they've wrecked things not only for themselves but for you. Or how about those little daily incidents we call life? Everyone everywhere has something they need to say and most are too afraid to say anything; we for instance hide behind our blog. We talk of all these lessons we learn and we discuss our aggravations with you but we never go beyond that.
More and more life is becoming an act; you put on a show to get people to accept you but we all have issues and should all be accepting each other for them. We shouldn't be afraid to be who we are. We shouldn't be afraid to speak our minds. We shouldn't be afraid of telling a friend how much it upsets is that they completely ditch is because of one friend. We shouldn't be afraid to go against our parents demands and be the brightest person we can. We shouldn't be afraid of ignoring that bitch at the table two over when we want to speak to her friend. We shouldn't be afraid of not being what the rest of the world wants. We shouldn't be afraid of anything. And we certainly shouldn't be afraid of taking our own advice. But that is exactly what we are, it's what we do as often as we can.
And so we continue to hide behind a mask. We continue to watch our friends completely ignore us because of others. We hide our tasks in fear of being punished. We put on a smile and pretend like we aren't dying inside when we are left out of the loop. We continue to live life never expecting more than we already get.
Everyone has problems. What are yours?

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