Released in 2015, this action/adventure picture production; brings the world of spies alive, again. Titles such as James Bond, RED, and the Kingsman; come to mind with a touch of Lara Croft as the spies from America and Russia meet an undercover female British operative. Her identity and true nature stays hidden from these men although suspicion does arise within viewers as she excels at driving under pressure, can keep her cool when thrust in to unpredictable scenarios, and can be a double traitor as well. The spies working alongside her work to uncover the mastermind behind nuclear explosives; turns out her father was employed to work for the Nazi Germany company.
While the actors and actresses are unknown to myself and possibly many others, it is an intriguing the reality of their situation as they begin to mesh their lives and ultimately become a united force of spies known as Codename: U.N.C.L.E.
All in all, it is not a bad feature to watch when you have the spare time. I wish I had more to tell but I'm afraid I have seen so many similar movies that they start to mesh at one point, besides, I wouldn't want to spoil the thrill for you.